This website editor is a major challenge. I feel that it has been made purposfully difficult so that you will spend your money trying to find better options until you finally find a person who will do it for you at a tremendous cost. As I am writing this post I think its interesting to mention that with all the tools available I still have no idea how to simply change the title of the post which is most likely another hour or two worth of tutorials. There is nothing easy or intuative about Avada, which is their claim, my recommendation would be Wix or Squared Space. (Day 2) – Again here I am writing on what I believe to be the Blog page? I’m sure if I watch enough tutotrials I will be able to understand where I am on my website. But of course I cant change the title even though the editor appears to give me options to change the allignment of the Universe. Can anyone say buyers remorse, I would be able to but the built up frustration at this point has made me litterally speechless. To me there should be basic intuitive functions the same kind you find of Facebook and Instagram, and then have an entire advanced feature section… I think I am going to call Squared Space this weekend and ask them if they need a salesman, somehow I think I would be good at that….BTW, I finally watched that tutorial…How do you like my new title that took me two days to figure out? I kind of look at it as a major success.